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Flow Meter

nitrogen flow meter/N2 Flow Meter

What is nitrogen?

Nitrogen flow meter is often been asked and customers often request the gas flow meters from Silver Automation Instruments.Nitrogen (N2), which is usually a colorless and odorless gas, and generally nitrogen gas has smaller density than air. Nitrogen accounts for 78.08% (volume fraction) of the total amount of the atmosphere and is one of the main components of air. At a standard atmospheric pressure, nitrogen gas was cooled to -195.8 ° C to become a colorless liquid. When cooled to -209.8 ° C, the liquid nitrogen became a snowy solid.

Nitrogen(N2) usage

Nitrogen is chemically inert and is difficult to react with other substances at room temperature, so it is often used to make preservatives. However, under high temperature and high energy conditions, it can be chemically changed with certain substances to produce new substances that are useful to humans.Due to the chemical inertness of nitrogen, it is often used as a protective gas, such as: fruits, food, bulb filling gas. In order to prevent some objects from being oxidized by oxygen when exposed to air, filling the granary with nitrogen can make the grain not mold, germination and long-term preservation. In the chemical industry, nitrogen is mainly used as a protective gas, a replacement gas, a scrubbing gas, and a safety gas

Nitrogen(N2) flow meter types

N2 is normally used and Nitrogen flow meter is often been request by our customers, we often choose vortex shedding flow meter, thermal mass flow meter, gas turbine flow meters also Coriolis flow meter to be used as cryogenic flowmeter,in order to measure nitrogen flow rate. We choose different type gas flow sensors according to the nitrogen flow range, user’s pipe lines, process connection (flange type or insertion type gas sensor), operation temperature and pressure, output and communication request, and power supply.

Cryogenic nitrogen flow meter

Coriolis mass flow meter can measure cryogenic nitrogen as low as -200 °C ( -328 °F ) temperature. Silver Automation Instruments offer this kind of mass flow sensor at low price cost.

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