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Flow Meter

Digital gas flowmeter

Digital gas turbine flowmeter

digital gas flow meter
Working principle
The gas flowS through the flow meter sensor pushes the turbine blades to rotate. The number of revolutions of the impeller is proportional to the volume of gas passing through the turbine flow meter.
digital gas flow meter principle
Digital gas turbine flowmeter sensor features
  1. The digital display shows the instantaneous flow of gas and the cumulative flow of gas. The SGW-D temperature and pressure compensated gas flow sensor can digitally display the gas temperature, pressure and standard instant flow (Nm3/h) and total flow in standard condition Nm3.
  2. 4-20ma or pulse output
  3. 24VDC powered or battery powered
  4. Digital natural gas, nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide(CO2), biogas digital flow meter
  5. RS 485 or hart communication
  6. Digital gas turbine flow sensor range: DN20~DN400

Digital thermal mass gas flowmeter

digital thermal mass gas flow meter
The thermal gas mass flow meter is a gas flow meter sensor that measures the mass flow of gas using the principle of thermal dispersion, and can realize high-precision mass gas flow measurement
Digital thermal flowmeter Features
  1. All thermal gas flow meters have a digital screen display that shows the instant and totalized gas flow.
  2. The thermal mass flow meter outputs a 4-20ma signal for various control and monitoring purposes.
  3. The thermal gas flow meter can achieve gas measurement under standard conditions without external temperature and pressure compensation.
  4. Our digital thermal dispersion flow meter has RS485 communication.
  5. Process connection can be flange type or insertion type.
  6. Digital micro-flow gas flow controller for measuring small flow gas, flow meter sensor size from DN3~DN10.

Digital metal tube rotor flow meter for gas measurement

Rotor flowmeter, also known as a float flowmeter, is a variable area flowmeter consisting of a conical tube and a rotor (also called a float) that can be moved up and down in a conical tube.
digital rotameter gas air
Digital Rotameter Features
  1. Digital Display to show instant flow and total flow of measured gas
  2. The digital rotameter can be battery powered or powered from 24V DC or 220V AC
  3. Digital gas rotameter can have 4-20Ma output, alarm output, HART, RS485 communication.

Digital gas vortex flowmeter

digital gas flow meter vortex
The vortex flowmeter is a flowmeter sensor for measuring gas, steam or liquid produced according to the Karman vortex principle.
vortex digital gas flow meter
  1. Digital gas vortex flowmeters measure volumetric flows such as carbon dioxide(CO2), oxygen(O2), natural gas, and biogas.
  2. Digital display shows instant flow and total gas flow information
  3. Output 4-20mA or pulse
  4. The digital gas vortex flowmeter can have RS485 and HART communication to meet various control needs.
  5. The vortex gas flow meter is powered by 24V DC.

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