Product Category

Sanitary Oval gear flow meter

Sanitary Oval gear flow meter

Hygienic and sanitary oval gear style flow meter is kind of positive displacement (PD) flow meter which can be used in dairy,food processing industry or bio-technology industry; it has two rotating oval gears to measure volume of fluids passing through the meter accurately. It can be used to measure thick and viscous fluids, such as sweeteners, edible oil, palm oil, honey, grease, tallow, fats and oil, syrup, molasses.,etc

Hygienic and sanitary oval gear style flow meter Features

All stainless steel material oval gear flow meter (PD flow meter)
Low price cost higienic flow meter from China flow meter facotry but with rugged construction and stable performance
Tri-clamp (tri-clover) flow meter for easy installation and easy cleaning
Mechanical flow meter or electronic oval gear flow meter options
Can be equipped with pulse output or digital display to show instant flow and total flow
High accuracy: 0.5 % or 0.2%
Perfect choice for high viscosity fluids flow rate measurement
Various sizes available: 1/2”, 1”, 1-1/2”, 2”, 3 inch oval gear flow meter
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